In Sunday’s match played at the Sharad Pawar Cricket Academy, Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai, Delhi bowling trio comprising Suyash Sharma (1/23), Prince Yadav (2/24) and Harsha Tyagi (2/14 in 3) kept the Himachal Pradesh batsmen in check
02 Dec, 2024
Delhi continued their winning streak, beating Himachal Pradesh (HP) by five wickets in a Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 game to be the only team to have 100% record in Group C as they moved to 20 points and with it occupied the pole position in the pool.
In Sunday’s match played at the Sharad Pawar Cricket Academy, Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai, Delhi bowling trio comprising Suyash Sharma (1/23), Prince Yadav (2/24) and Harsh Tyagi (2/14 in 3) kept the Himachal Pradesh batsmen in check. SL Verma (36 off 17) took the hilly people to 145/8 in 20 overs and provided something for the bowlers to defend.
Delhi lost the wicket of Priyansh Arya early, on just the second ball, but then rode on a 102-run partnership between Yash Dhull (47 off 31) and skipper Ayush Badoni (70 off 39) to take the team towards the HP total.
The Ayush Badoni-led side then lost a few wickets quickly and were 137/5 in 14.3 overs. However, Mayank Rawat hit two sixes off two balls to take the team home.
Delhi next play Jharkhand on Tuesday and Arunachal Pradesh on Thursday.
They have beaten Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana and Manipur prior to Sunday’s game against HP.
Tags : Delhi, Ayush Badoni, Suyash Sharma, Prince Yadav, Harsh Tyagi, Syed Mushtaq Ali T20s