The Indian team, comprising 17 players, was finalised after a rigorous training camp in Jaipur led by Head Coach Rohit Jhalani, former Rajasthan Ranji Captain. The team will face strong international sides such as England, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan during the tournament
07 Jan, 2025
The Differently Abled Cricket Council of India (DCCI) hosted a send-off ceremony for the Indian team selected to participate in the Physical Disabled Cricket Champions Trophy 2025, scheduled to be held in Sri Lanka from January 12 to 21. The event that was organised at The Imperial Hotel, Janpath, New Delhi was graced with the presence of Rohan Jaitley, President, DDCA, Sminu Jindal, Founder-Chairperson of Svayam, DCCI officials, players, and other dignitaries.
The Indian team, comprising 17 players, was finalised after a rigorous training camp in Jaipur led by Head Coach Rohit Jhalani, former Rajasthan Ranji Captain. The team will face strong international sides such as England, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan during the tournament.
Ravikant Chauhan, General Secretary, DCCI, stated, “The team has been put together after a rigorous selection process. We are confident that this team will do well in the tournament and bring laurels to India. DCCI as an organisation has been nurturing differently-abled cricketers for many years and has always tried to provide a platform for emerging talent. In this team too there are some very talented cricketers, including two from Kashmir. This process of putting the team together has been made possible because of the support of our coaches, support staff and other stakeholders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank accessibility NGO Svayam which has been supporting DCCI for many years and is supporting the team even in this tournament. It is with this inclusive mindset that we can take differently-abled cricket forward.”
Captained by Vikrant Ravindra Keni, with Ravindra Gopinath Sante as vice-captain, both hailing from Mumbai, Team India includes wicketkeepers Yogender Singh from Madhya Pradesh and Devendra Singh from Uttar Pradesh. Other key players are Akhil Reddy from Andhra Pradesh, Radhika Prasad from Uttar Pradesh, Akash Anil Patil from Mumbai, Sunny Goyat and Pawan Kumar from Haryana, Jithendra, Narendra, and Rajesh from
Tags : Indian cricket team, Champions Trophy, Rohan Jaitley, DCCI, Sri Lanka, Rohit Jhalani