Set to debut in 2025, the RPL will be one of the world’s first franchise-based rugby leagues, featuring six city-based teams and showcasing elite talent from top rugby nations globally, say GMR
25 Dec, 2024
GMR Sports has announced a 10-year partnership with Rugby India, the national governing body for rugby, to launch the Rugby Premier League (RPL).
“Set to debut in 2025, the RPL will be one of the world’s first franchise-based rugby leagues, featuring six city-based teams and showcasing elite talent from top rugby nations globally,” said a statement from GMR.
“This partnership signifies a bold step forward for GMR Sports as it extends its legacy of innovation and excellence into the realm of Rugby 7s, one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic sports in the world.”
Speaking on the collaboration, Kiran Kumar Grandhi, Chairman of GMR Sports, said, “At GMR Sports, we believe in driving the future of sports in India by creating platforms that inspire athletes and fans alike. The Rugby Premier League is not just a league—it is a movement to bring world-class rugby to India while fostering grassroots development.
“The RPL seeks to captivate audiences while building a strong foundation for the sport’s growth in India. By exposing young Indian talent to international players and top-tier coaching, the league aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for the sport,” added the statement from GMR.
Rahul Bose, President of Rugby India, said, “The Rugby Premier League is a game-changer for rugby in India. With World Rugby’s support and GMR Sports’ expertise, we are set to deliver a league that showcases the finest talent and professionalism. Fans can expect nothing less than world-class rugby action that will inspire the next generation of athletes in our country.”
Tags : Rugby India, GMR Sports, India, Rahul Bose, Rugby Premier League